Editors: Halliki Harro-Loit, Tiia Kõnnussaar, Mari-Liis Nummert, Margit Sutrop
Consultant: Mari-Liisa Parder
Language editor: Laura Lilles-Heinsar
Proofreading: Õnne Allaje, Liisi Karjus, Tiia Kõnnussaar, Mari-Liisa Parder, Kertu Rajando
Design & layout: Merle Moorlat
Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu is grateful to the organizers of the culture and education congress „Learning and Education in Estonian Culture“ (24.–25. November 2018). You can find snippets from performances from students Eik Erik Sikk, Joosep Kään, Tõnis Tamme, Tiina Theresa Gross, Artur Haller, Oskar Kröönström, Meeri Krass, Raul Steinberg, Taavet Borovkov, and we are grateful to them as well.
Publisher: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus
Language: Estonian
The publishing of this book was supported by the Values Development of the Estonian Society 2009–2013 programme, extension for the years 2015–2020, of the Ministry of Education and Research.