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In addition to collection and analysis of data, conduct of research includes the questions of safety, security and ensuring the well-being of the persons and animals involved. The rights and interests of people involved in the research must also be considered.


2.1 How to treat persons involved in research?

2.1.1 The researcher respects the free will of persons involved in research and ensures the protection of their autonomy, human dignity, privacy and wellbeing, avoiding harming them.

2.1.2 In immediate studies of people and collection of personal data from them, the researcher always asks for their prior informed consent and ensures that the subject’s consent is informed and voluntary. Exceptionally, asking for consent is allowed after collection of data if this is necessary for achieving the aims of research, but then it should be considered that the collection of data would not harm the persons involved in the study, and it would have prior consent from the ethics committee.

2.1.3 The researcher informs the subjects about the research objectives, the benefits and risks, who is conducting the study and who is financing it, which data are collected from them, who can access the data, in what form and how long the data are stored, and what happens to occasional findings.

2.1.4 The researcher informs the subjects about their right not to participate in the study and to withdraw their consent and about any other circumstances that can influence the subject’s consent to participate in the study.

2.1.5 The researcher inconveniences the subjects and groups involved in research as little as possible.

2.1.6 The researcher assesses the vulnerability and risks of persons and social groups involved in research, protecting them from potential stigmatisation, marginalisation or damage to their interests. The researcher takes care that the subjects’ wellbeing will not suffer after the end of research because of participation in it.

2.1.7 The researcher shares the benefits resulting from research fairly with all participants in research without whose participation or traditional knowledge the benefits of research would not have materialised. S/he ensures that the positive influences of research on vulnerable groups would be realised.

2.1.8 If research is conducted in developing countries, the researcher is obliged to ensure that the benefits resulting from research will reach the community.

2.2 What are the principles of analysis of research data?

2.2.1 The researcher does not falsify data, does not arbitrarily replenish incomplete data and does not fabricate data.

2.2.2 When using data, the researcher is critical, does not draw unsubstantiated conclusions from them, does not make unsubstantiated assessments, does not present examples selectively and does not use the analysis of data in a biased way.

2.2.3 The researcher records the collection and analysis of data as precisely as possible and ensures the transparency of data analysis so that the quality of the data could be checked and, if necessary, their analysis  be repeated.

2.2.4 The researcher describes and formats the collected data so that they could be used as openly and broadly as possible, and refers to the used data accurately.

2.2.5 In research, the researcher follows the principles and regulations of protection of personal data.

2.2.6 The researcher ensures as broad access to data as possible, considering the substantiated limitations of access to the data resulting from the need to protect personal data, promises given to the subjects and the interests of research.

2.2.7 The researcher, in cooperation with the research institution, stores research data as long as possible; when setting the storage time, s/he considers the value of data for research, the conventions of one’s research area, the physical and technological facilities of the research institution and agreements with subjects or holders of data. The researcher stores personalised data as long as necessary and as briefly as possible.

2.2.8 When storing and using data, the researcher ensures their integrity and safety, and if necessary, ensures the safe and proper destruction of data.

2.2.9 The researcher takes care that research data could be found and used as easily as possible.

2.3 How to ensure the safety of research?

2.3.1 In the framework of research, the researcher ensures the protection of health and wellbeing of him-/herself and all the participants in research and persons involved in research.

2.3.2 The researcher is obliged to assess the risks related to research, be aware of them and take measures to prevent risks. S/he also informs the colleagues and the research institution of the potential threats and safety hazards.

2.3.3 If new risks and threats emerge, the researcher assesses whether research can be continued in its earlier form without harming anyone’s health and wellbeing and, if necessary, changes the conduct of research.

2.3.4 The researcher is responsible for the safety of the work environment and ensures that unauthorised persons’ access to hazardous substances, equipment and organisms and to confidential information is restricted.

2.3.5 The researcher respects the integrity of natural environment and spiritual and material heritage, and removes objects under study from their original environment only in substantiated cases.

2.3.6 The researcher avoids damaging the natural environment and cultural heritage. If endangered species, protected monuments or areas are studied, the researcher applies for the necessary permits and coordinations.

2.4 What should be considered in animal experiments?

2.4.1 The researcher ensures the wellbeing of the animals participating in research, and, in planning and conduct of animal experiments, is guided by the 3R principle or, if possible, replaces animal experiments with alternative techniques, reduces the number of animals to the smallest possible and refines the procedures of research to diminish the current and future sufferings and pain caused to animals. If possible, the researcher less uses species less sensitive to pain.

2.4.2 The researcher takes care of the good living conditions of experiment animals and ensures their maximum wellbeing during experiments, breeding, keeping and transport.

2.4.3 The researcher conducts experiments with animals only when having the necessary permits.


2.5 How to ensure the safety of research?

2.5.1 The research institution ensures that all the handlers of hazardous materials, organisms and equipment have the necessary knowledge, skills and devices for safe conduct of research.

2.5.2 In the case of severe danger, the research institution informs all the endangered persons publicly and acts as quickly as possible for elimination of danger.

2.6 How to support the administration of research data?

2.6.1 The research institution supports the responsible administration of data and research materials by providing the necessary infrastructure, training and guidelines.

2.6.2 The research institution ensures that limitations to the use of data would be substantiated and fair, and that information about the usability of the data held by the institution and the corresponding intellectual property rights would be easily accessible.

2.6.3 The research institution ensures that data with essential influence on the society or natural environment are preserved and are available for as long as possible.


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