Values, Character and School: A Reader About Value Education

book cover

Editors Märt Põder, Margit Sutrop, Pille Valk

Content Editors Laura Lilles, Triin Pisuke

Copy editing Nelli Jung, Kadri Lutt, Kristi Lõuk, Aire Vaher

Language Editor Külli Kuusk

Designer Merle Moorlat

Publisher Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu

Published by Eesti Keele Sihtasutus/Estonian Language Foundation

Language: Estonian

Published with the support of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research

Values, Character and School: A Reader About Value Education (est Väärtused, iseloom ja kool: väärtuskasvatuse lugemik) is the Centre for Ethics' book which was published in September 2009. The purpose of the book is to introduce the different methods of value education which have been successfully implemented in Anglo-American countries. In addition to thorough theoretical background, the book offers practical advice for teachers about implementing value education in the classroom. Although the models derive from different cultural contexts, the experience of other countries may be considered a useful example for helping Estonian schools to develop their own specific models of value education.

The book contains relevant information for teachers and schoolmasters who can learn about ways of ensuring that their schools are schools of character that provide a motivating and safe learning environment for both students and teachers. Several texts deal with the moral development of children, so the book is also useful for helping parents to understand their child’s behaviour.

The book introduces methods for the clarification of values, character education and integrative ethical education. These are the most well-known methods in the contemporary philosophy of education.

The first part of the book deals with the characteristics of value education and the role of teachers in value education. The second part discusses rational moral education, including the clarification of values, which concentrates on the process that leads students to discover their own values and reflect on them. The third part contains texts about character education, which emphasises the conditions suitable for supporting the development of virtuous character. According to this method, the definition of values and desirable characteristics helps school staff to develop good character in students. The last part of the book deals with integrative ethical education, which aims at uniting the clarification of values with character education. Integrative ethical education emphasises both the importance of reflection and the development of character.

The book contains articles by well-known specialists in value education, in Estonian-language translation. The authors are: Graham Haydon, Josephine Russell, Barry Chazan, Howard Kirschenbaum, Maxine Cooper, Eva Burman, Lorraine Ling, Cveta Razdevsek-Pucko, Joan Stephenson, Marvin W. Berkowitz, David M. Shumaker, Robert V. Heckel, Melinda Bier, Thomas Lickona, Darcia Narvaez.