Values Education in Teacher Training

book cover

Author: Olga Schihalejev

Editors and proof reading: Katrin Velbaum, Mari-Liisa Parder, Laura Lilles-Heinsar

Proof reading: Leelo Jago

Copy Editing: Aive Maasalu

Language: Estonian

Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu and Estonian Language Foundation 2011

The current methodological material deals with the topics that are relevant in teacher training. It gives an overview of the different approaches to values education, teacher’s professional ethics, school culture and values education through different subjects. One can also find ideas how to make students reflect on values education.

The book is targeted at the lecturers of teacher training and other experts, i.e., program managers, involved in teacher training. The co-funder of the book was EDUKO program of the European Social Fund. The book was published in the course of the EDUKO grant “Developing Teachers’ Competence of Values Education in Teacher Training”.

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