What do you hold dear?

„What do you hold dear?“ is a small book about values and philosophy published by the Centre for Ethics. This book is meant fo childre, parents, parents and caregivers.

In this book with colorful illustrations by Elina Sildre, writer Tia Navi has written six stories about values and philosopher Kadri Simm reflects about them from a philosophers perspective.

Mis on sulle kallis book cover

This book was published in Estonian and Russian

Children's stories: Tia Navi

Philosophical comments: Kadri Simm

Translators: Boriss Baljasnõi and Darja Parševa

Illustrations: Elina Sildre

Editor: Tiia Kõnnussaar

Language editor: Helika Mäekivi

Design and Layout: Elina Sildre

Project manager: Mari-Liis Nummert

Printed at AS Printon

Copyright: Centre for Ethics and authors 2022

ISBN 978-9985-4-1307-4

This books is published in cooperation with British Council in Estonia as part of the People to People Cultural Engagement Programme. Find more info about British Council’s work in Estonia at www.britishcouncil.ee. The composing of this book was also supported by the National Programme “Values Development in Estonian Society 2009–2013” for the years 2021–2026, funded by the Ministry of Education and Research.

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