
News and press releases of the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu.

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At the beginning of April, research integrity counsellors started work at each faculty of the University of Tartu. They offer advice and support for university members who have questions about adhering to the principles of research integrity or suspect that research integrity has been violated.

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The Centre for Ethics at the University of Tartu together with the ethics committees of Estonia's two largest hospitals, the North Estonia Medical Centre and the Tartu University Hospital, developed 12 recommendations for distribution of limited health care resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Estonian researchers are keen to improve their qualifications in the research integrity field and would like to see a publicly organised, harmonised and clear research integrity system in Estonia, revealed a recent survey initiated by the Estonian Research Council and conducted by the Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS) and the Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu.

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Articles about informed consent and codes of ethics, written by junior research fellows and the head of Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu will be published in an upcoming Springer book “Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity“.

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The Centre for Applied Social Sciences (CASS) and Centre for Ethics at the University of Tartu have started a joint project to develop recommendations to create a national system for monitoring and supporting ethics in scientific research. The results of this study will provide background knowledge and suggestions for initiating policy changes in the system of Estonian research ethics, to increase transparency, independence, and connections to European ethics organisations.

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The University of Tartu Centre for Ethics, together with the Ministry of Education and Research, the Nordic Council of Ministers, UT College of Foreign Languages and Cultures and the Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia invite people to put down their thoughts about Estonia and the Nordic countries for the contest of opinion pieces and photos “Estonia AND Nordic countries—Estonia AS a Nordic country?”. The main prize of the opinion pieces contest (adults) is awarded by Royal Norwegian Embassy – it is a unique trip to Oslo for the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony.

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6. väärtuskasvatuse konverents

„Hea kool. Peeglike, peeglike seina peal, kes on parim kogu maal?”

12.-13. detsembril 2013

Tartus Dorpati konverentsikeskuses


Korraldajad: TÜ eetikakeskus koostöös Eesti Koolijuhtide Ühendusega

Toetajad: Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium, Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu, Briti Nõukogu ja Briti Saatkond Eestis

Konverents toimub Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi riikliku programmi „Eesti ühiskonna väärtusarendus 2009–2013“ raames

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The Department of Philosophy is looking forward to applications for its International Master’s Programme in Philosophy. The application deadline is April 16th 2014. 

General admission requirements: 

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