Estonian Female Ministers: Collection of Writings about Women at the Top of Politics

Editors Margit Sutrop, Kristi Lõuk, Toomas Kiho

book cover

Copyreader Maris Makko

Designer Sirje Ratso

Eesti Keele Sihtasutus 2007

Language: Estonian

Published with the support of the project „More women into politics“ of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Open Estonian Foundation

In this book you can read about the life and work of all the female ministers of the Republic of Estonia – it is the first complete overview of all the female ministers who have served the Republic of Estonia in the last 89 years: Renate Kaasik, Aino Lepik von Wirén, Siiri Oviir, Klara Hallik, Lagle Parek, Marju Lauristin, Liia Hänni, Liina Tõnisson, Tiiu Aro, Andra Veidemann, Signe Kivi, Katrin Saks, Mailis Reps, Kristiina Ojuland and Ester Tuiksoo.

In this book they speak through interviews about their development, coming into politics and being a minister. These stories about their doings present a picture of Estonia’s recent past: state building, political struggle, socio-economical changes and party relations.

To provide comparison, four other Northern and Baltic top women politicians were interviewed (Ene Ergma, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Riitta Uosukainen, Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga).

The book begins with a theoretical part, in which several authors discuss how to increase women’s participation in politics, why it is needed and what prevents it.

The book was compiled and published by the Estonian Women Student Society and the Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu.

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