Editors Aire Vaher, Riste Keskpaik, Külli Keerus
Translators Riste Keskpaik, Indrek Reiland, Silver Rattasepp, Aire Vaher
Proofreader Mati Pütsepp
Designer Merle Moorlat
Published with the support of the Environmental Investment Centre
Estonian Language Foundation 2008
Language: Estonian
The emergence during the 1970s of environmental ethics as an independent philosophical discipline is clearly related to the acknowledgment of environmental problems and general awareness of the environment that developed during the second half of the 1960s. The idea of an ecological crisis that threatens the continued existence of humans suggests that it is necessary for us to make profound changes to the way we handle the environment.
This collection of papers includes four of the foundational articles in the development of environmental ethics: Aldo Leopold’s “The Land Ethics”, Lynn White’s “The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis”, Richard Sylvan’s “Is There a Need for a New, and Environmental Ethic?”, and the chapter “All Animals Are Equal” from Peter Singer’s book Animal Liberation. All of these are published here for the first time in Estonian language.
The full book is available online in pdf format (in Estonian)