An open beginning: a selection of recipes to create a multi-cultural kindergarten

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The book and instructional videos (in Estonian) can be found at

Compilers: Mari-Liis Nummert, Ingi Mihkelsoo, Maria Jürimäe

Editor: Olga Schihalejev

Language editors: Tiia Kõnnussaar, Jaana Eigi

Illustration and layouts: Marja-Liisa Platse

Copyright: Estonian Refugee Council and Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu 2018

ISBN 978-9949-88-448-3

The handbook was compiled within the framework of the project „An Open Beginning: Preparing Kindergartens for Receiving Children with Migration or Refugee Background and Supporting the Creation of a Culturally and Religiously Diverse and Tolerant Study Environment” that was realised by the Estonian Refugee Council and the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu, in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research and the Innove Foundation. The publication of the handbook was funded from the development cooperation funds of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United States Embassy in Estonia.



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