Artem Podrez,

For schools and preschools

The success of putting values education deliberately and knowledgeably into practice depends to a great degree on the environment and persons involved. In order to achieve the situation where values development is inseparable from all the aspects of an educational institution, a systematic approach and contributions to the process from all parties are needed.

The Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu provides various opportunities to enable educational institutions make their first steps towards the implementation of values development or to give them the support and encouragement to continue the process they have begun.

School of Values Education Award

Good School model

Illustratiivne visuaal

Refleksioonipõhine lähenemine toetab teaduseetika arendamist

Pildil on inimesed istumas ja esitlust kuulamas

Kohtla-Järve ja Narva lasteaiad alustavad eestikeelsele haridusele ülemineku ja väärtuspõhise lasteaiakultuuri loomist toetavas programmis

pildi on inimesed laval seismas

Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskus kutsub koole ja lasteaedu tunnustusprogrammi