On the verge of chaos and order. About upbringing and education. Personally

Kaose ja korra piiril book cover

Title in Estonian: “Kaose ja korra piiril. Kasvatusest ja haridusest. Isiklikult”

Compiler and interviewer: Tiia Kõnnussaar

Consultant: Margit Sutrop

Cover photo: Jaak Kikas

Editors: Õnne Allaje, Heidy Meriste, Mari-Liisa Parder

Correction: Õnne Allaje, Jaana Eigi, Kristi Lõuk, Mari-Liisa Parder, Kertu Rajando

Design & Layout: Merle Moorlat

Language: Estonian

Publisher: EKSA

Interviews with Ly Seppel-Ehin, Liisa Pakosta, Rein Taagepera, Piret Veerus, Lembit Peterson, Sirje Norden, Igor Kotjuh, Helve Särgava, Justin Petrone, Mari Kalkun

„On the verge of chaos and order. About upbringing and education. Personally“ is an attempt to capture what is in the air in Estonian culture: where are we right now with our parental values and principles? How do we want to raise our children so they would become good, creative, strong people?

Ten interviews. Stories about childhood, becoming a parent and living with children. Interviews with outstanding Estonians.

The publishing of this book was supported by the Values Development of the Estonian Society 2009–2013 programme, extension for the years 2015–2020, of the Ministry of Education and Research.