Avalikud loengud

Esmaspäeval 9. veebruaril 2015 kell 12.15 esineb eetikakeskuses (Jakobi 2, III korrus) külalisdotsent dr Tatiana Golikova teemal „Formation of future foreign language teachers' and school students' values“.

Dr Tatiana Golikova on eetikakeskuse külalisuurija detsembrist 2014 kuni maini 2015. Ta töötab Mari Riikliku Ülikooli inglise filoloogia kateedris. Tema uurimistöö peamine fookus on ühiskondlik-moraalsete dilemmade kasutamisel eetiliste printsiipide omandamisel. Teda huvitab nii see, kuidas õpetajakoolituses anda õpetajatele vajalikud oskused kui ka kuidas dilemmade käsitlemist erinevates koolitundides läbi viia. Ta on kogunud nii Venemaal, USA-s kui ka Saksamaal empiirilisi andmeid ühiskondlik-moraalsete dilemmade meetodi kasutamise kohta noorte moraalse arengu ja kodanikutunde kasvatamisel.

Ettekanne on inglise keeles


Formation of future foreign language teachers’ and school students’ values.

Tatiana Golikova, associate professor, English philology deptartment,
Mari State University,Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El

In this presentation I will share my practical experience with the formation of moral values in the process of training future foreign language teachers at Mari State University using moral dilemmas and participating in a joint Mari-American online course on the issues of personality formation in modern civic society. There is no other profession in which a person’s personality traits, character, convictions and moral values are of such critical importance than that of a teacher. Stressing the particular role of teachers in teaching values John Amos Comenius, a Czech educator the author of Didactica Magna wrote that teachers should be the best of people, the most outstanding in their morality. This, he considers, is the most effective means to inspire students to live honest lives.

No matter what subject we teach, it is important for the teacher to educate not only academically but morally as well. The goal of education includes three inseparable parts: to impart knowledge, to educate morally, and to develop students’ thinking. Thus, for teachers and those involved in teacher training, it is a challenge to find opportunities to increase the moral potential of their lessons. There are a variety of effective methods and moral dilemma discussion is one of them. I have developed my own technology of using moral dilemmas with school and university students. The pre-service teachers use it during their school practice.

In my presentation I will also focus on the axiological approach to the formation of a creatively self-developing and self-fulfilling personality (scientific school of V. Andreev, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan), and on the American experience of forming the values of citizenship, character, responsibility, respect and care among US school and university students (scientific school of T. Lickona, M. Berkowiz).

19. septembril 2012 kell 16.15–17.45 peab prof dr Jan Szaif (University of California, Davis) TÜ filosoofia osakonnas avaliku loengu „The Role of Friendship in Aristotle's Ethics“, aadressil Jakobi 2-336.

Professor Szaif on väljapaistev antiikfilosoofia uurija ja interpreet.

Loengu sisukokkuvõte:

The Role of Friendship in Aristotle's Ethics

Why has the topic of friendship such a prominent place in Aristotle's ethics? What are the chief elements and characteristics of Aristotle's theory of friendship? Does his claim that 'true friendship' must be based on an ethical appreciation of the other person's character fail to do justice to the specifically individual character of friendship, as many modern critics have claimed? These are the questions that I am going to address in my talk, based primarily on the books VIII and IX of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.

Teisipäeval, 18. septembril kell 12.15-13.45 peab Lossi tn 36-215
loengu TÜ eetikakeskuse külaline Linda Leith, Christ Church University, Faculty of Education, QiSS (Quality in Study Support) direktor.

Tema loengu teema on „Quality in Study Support and Critical Friendship for QiSS: the UK experience“

Vaata videot

Mis on QiSS (Quality in Study Support)?
QiSS on riiklikult tunnustatud kvaliteedi tagamise progamm, mille on arendanud välja Canterbury Christ Church ülikooli haridusteaduskond koostöös haridusministeeriumiga, tunnustamaks ja nõustamaks koole õpilaste arengu toetamisel. Koolidel ja haridusasutustel on võimalus taotleda kolmeks aastaks kvaliteedimärki tegevuste ja tugisüsteemide rakendamise eest, mis aitavad õpilastel saavutada paremaid õpitulemusi, parandavad käitumist ja kaasatust, vähendavad väljalangevust ja kooli vägivalda, tõstavad õpilaste enesehinnangut, motivatsiooni ning eneeshinnangut.

Kes on kriitlised sõbrad?
Kriitilised sõbrad aitavad koolidel ja haridusasutustel valmistuda tunnustuse taotlemiseks. Nad on koolile peegliks, andes tagasisidet, kus nad oma arengus on ja annavad nõu, milliseid tugiteenuseid arendada, et saavutada parem tase. Nad on heasoovlikud, aga kriitilised nõustajad, kes on vahemeheks kooli ja hindajate vahel.

Christ Churchi QiSS kohta saab ülevaate siit:

Kogu Inglismaa QiSS kohta saab lugeda:

Kõik huvilised on väga teretulnud!

Teisipäeval, 12. oktoobril kell 16.00 esineb Domus Dorpatensises (Ülikooli 7, Tartu) Soome filosoof ja seksuoloog Tommi Paalanen loenguga „Filosoofiline seksuaaleetika (Philosophical Sexual Ethics)“. Loeng on inglise keeles.

Sexual ethics is a branch of applied ethics that concentrates on sexual behaviour and relationships. It can be either theoretical or applied, while theoretical approach aims to find universal principles and methods of solving ethical problems and applied approach deals with individual cases, professional ethics or sexual politics. Basic questions of sexual ethics include the following:

1. What acts are sexual?
2. What kinds of sexual acts are morally acceptable?
3. Are prevailing sexual norms and legislation justified?
4. What kinds of sexual acts the community may justifiedly ban?
5. Which conditions may justify patronising an individual in sexual matters?

Answering these questions should be based on a philosophically sound system of sexual ethics, which consist of coherent definitions, principles and methods that can be used to assess the ethical status of any sexual act. The system must be general enough to adapt to differing situations and circumstances, hence it must be derived from ethical theory concerning human interaction in general.

Philosophical sexual ethics can be divided into four different traditions, which are romantic-conservative, Kantian, liberal and feminist sexual ethics. My research is based on John Stuart Mill’s ethical liberalism and uses other traditions as points of comparison and critique. Mill argues that there is only one plausible moral principle, which is that no one has the right to intervene into individual’s affairs if they are not harmful to others.

In liberal thinking sexual activities are seen as inherently morally neutral, therefore there should be no restrictions concerning especially sexual activity in the society; ethical evaluation of sexual activity doesn’t depend on the question, whether an act is sexual or not, instead it is based on assessing whether the act causes harm and violates someone’s rights. This position leads consistently to appreciating human autonomy and sexual diversity.

Esmaspäeval, 13. oktoobril kell 16.00 esineb Ülikooli Kohviku rõdusaalis
(Ülikooli 20) Eesti Panga nõukogu esimees Jaan Männik ettekandega „Kuusteist aastat Eestis“.

Ettekandes analüüsitakse Eesti, Soome ning Rootsi väärtussüsteeme.

Soovitakse leida vastuseid küsimustele:
Kuidas on need kujunenud?
Kellelt võiks Eesti eeskuju võtta? Kas on üldse vajalik Eesti ühiste väärtuste küsimuses Läände vaadata?
Millised on Eesti suuremad väljakutsed tulevikus? Kas Eesti väärtussüsteem toetab lahenduste otsingud?
Kuidas väärtused teisenevad ja seonduvad ühiskonna ja poliitiliste protsesside arenguga?
Missugused on kriteeriumid, mille järgi inimesed ennast ja teisi ühiskonnas positsioneerivad? Kellega Eestit võrrelda?
Eesti poliitiline maastik - tugevad juhid ja ideoloogiate nõrkus. Miks nii?

Jaan Männiku samateemaline ettekanne TÜ eetikakeskuse korraldatud konverentsil „Ühiseid väärtusi hoides“ (26.09.08, Tallinnas Estonia talveaias) tekitas laialdase arutelu, seepärast palus eetikakeskus ta Tartusse, et antud teemadel edasi arutleda.

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