Science and Knowledge-based Society

book cover

Editors Margit Sutrop, Urmas Sutrop

Copyreader Kristi Jõesalu

Designer Andres Rõhu

Copyreaders Axel Jagau, Külliki Kuusk

Translation into Estonian Katrin Kala, Ene Kelder, Marika Leemets, Epp Leete, Kristina Milt, Sigrid Parts

Translation into German Andreas Berghoff, Sigrun Fricke, Axel Jagau

The book was published with the support of Estonian consul in Düsseldorf, dr Jochen Friedrich Kirchhoff, dr Hansjörg Döpp, Union of Employers of North Rhine-Westphalia, and Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany

The book is the collection of papers from the conference „Science and Knowledge-based Society” which took place on September 27th 2004 in Tartu during the 8th German-Estonian academic week Academica. This is a bilingual (German and Estonian) collection of the presentations and speeches that were given during the conference. Wide variety of topics covered issues from the tension between science and society to science, technology and knowledge-based society.

The purpose of the conference was to open up the notion of knowledge-based society and to view how far Estonian and German societies are from that and what kind of difficulties could come with that. The key speakers of the conference were director of the Academia Europaea professor Carl Friedrich Gethmann, president of Estonian Academy of Sciences professor Jüri Engelbrecht, vice president of Deutche Bundesbank Jürgen Sark and president of the Bank of Estonia Vahur Kraft.

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