Short plays. Means of Values Education for Schools

Lühinäidendid book cover

Compilers Halliki Harro-Loit, Ülle Kauksi, Kadri Ugur, Katrin Velbaum ja Mari-Liisa Parder

Editors Katrin Velbaum, Laura Lilles-Heinsar, Mari-Liisa Parder, Kristi Lõuk

Copy Editing Tiina Sammelselg

Design Merle Moorlat

Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu and Estonian Language Foundation 2012.

Language: Estonian

Published with the support of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.

The aim of the book is to give a practical tool to teachers and pupils to motivate them to use the short plays for the purposes of values education. Teachers and pupils are expected to modify the texts on the basis of their own interests.

The book includes 27 plays. The short plays represent ethical dilemmas and they function as a starting point for the discussions concerning ethical questions. Most of the plays were written for the competition of plays which was organised by the Centre for Ethics in 2011. The spectrum of authors is wide: there are teachers, writers, pupils, directors of extracurricular activities etc among the authors.

The plays have been modified by the editors, explanatory paragraphs and questions have been added in order to initiate the debate in classrooms.

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