Analysis of Values Development - Why and How?

Väärtusarenduse analüüs book cover

Compiler and author: Halliki Harro-Loit

Co-authors: Anna-Liisa Blaubrük, Piret Hallast, Helina Harro, Nelli Jung, Külliki Korts, Olga Schihalejev, and Piret Siivelt

Editors: Mari-Liisa Parder, Laura Lilles-Heinsar, and Katrin Velbaum

Language editor: Tiia Valdre

Copy editors: Triin Käpp and Mats Volberg

Designer: Tõnis Kärema

Illustrator: Elina Sildre

Tallinn: Estonian Language Foundation, 2011

Language: Estonian

Values development is a way to enhance school culture so that everyone would feel better in their school. Analysis of values development helps to clarify the values that are expressed, reproduced, strengthened and denied through everyday’s activities. The book explains how to carry out an efficient analysis of values development in your school.

The purpose of the book is to make school staff notice and analyse the values that are expressed in school environment and make them think how to develop these values. The book is targeted at instructors, headteachers, teachers and other specialists interested in values education. This is the first volume in the series through which the Centre for Ethics provides support for schools and kindergartens to deal with values development.

The book series is supported by the Ministry of Education. The book was published in the course of the values program “Values Development in the Estonian Society 2009–2013”.

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