The Doors of Estonia – From, Within

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Compilers and editors: Triin Käpp, Mari-Liisa Parder, Triin Pisuke-Roos, Margit Sutrop, Mats Volberg

Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu 2013

Language: Estonian

Publishing of this book was supported by the National Values Development program, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Office of the President of Estonia

We are proud of our regained independence and happy that the Estonian doors are not closed anymore. Everyone, who has courage and motivation, can go. And everyone can come back, who feels that this is his/her country and wants to bind his/her future with this country.

Today Estonians live in at least 124 countries. The purpose of the current book is to understand the reasons why people leave from Estonia, why they return and what prevents them from coming back. The book consists of the personal stories that were written for the President’s writing bee “The Estonian Doors - From, Within” in 2011. In these stories, people talk about their relation with Estonia and the reasons why they have left the country, returned or decided not to return to their homeland. The book also includes several expert articles which help to understand the extent, reasons and factors of emigration.