Ethics: Interdisciplinary Approaches

book cover

Editors Margit Sutrop, Kadri Simm

Designer Sirje Ratso

Estonian Copyreaders Mati Pütsepp, Ruth Jürjo

English Copyreaders Paul McLaughlin, Raili Põldsaar, Kadri Simm, Eva Piirimäe

Publisher Eesti Keele Sihtasutus

Language: Estonian and English

This collection gathers a selection of presentations that have been given over the course of five years at the seminars of the Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu. Philosophers, lawyers, medical doctors, biologists, psychologists, theologians and social scientists from Estonia and elsewhere reflect upon various ethical problems. The collection is interdisciplinary, covering subjects ranging from the metaphysics of morality to codes of ethics for public servants, from medical and contract law to international relations, from social justice to gene banks.

Appendices provide an overview of the activities of the Centre for Ethics during the period 2001 to 2006.

Illustratiivne visuaal

Refleksioonipõhine lähenemine toetab teaduseetika arendamist

Pildil on inimesed istumas ja esitlust kuulamas

Kohtla-Järve ja Narva lasteaiad alustavad eestikeelsele haridusele ülemineku ja väärtuspõhise lasteaiakultuuri loomist toetavas programmis

pildi on inimesed laval seismas

Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskus kutsub koole ja lasteaedu tunnustusprogrammi