Academica sessioon eetikast, teadusest ja intellektuaalse omandi kaitsest

Special session

"Ethik, Wissenschaft und der Schutz geistigen Eigentums: Neue Technologien, alte Rechte und schwierige moralische Dilemmas"

"Ethics, Science and Protection of Intellectual Property. New Technologies, Old Rights and Difficult Moral Dilemmas"

"Eetika, teadus ja intellektuaalse omandi kaitse. Uued tehnoloogiad, vanad õigused ja rasked moraalsed dilemmad"

Tuesday, 20th of November at 13-16
Domus Dorpatensis (Ülikooli 7, Tartu)


13.00–13:15 Introduction: Prof. Dr. Margit Sutrop, Centre for Ethics, University of Tartu
13:15–14:00 Prof. Dr. Dieter Sturma, University of Bonn, "Mortal Questions. Science, Ethics and the Life of Persons"
14:00–14:45 Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf, University of Würzburg, "Intellectual Property rights and human dignity in stem cell research"
14:45–15:00 Coffee
15:00–15:40 Dr. Christian Heinze, Max Planck Institute, Hamburg "The future of Intellectual Property rights enforcement after ACTA"
15:40–16:00 Dr Aleksei Kelli, Tartu University, "Commentary: The future of Intellectual Property Rights enforcement from the Estonian perspective"
16:00 General discussion

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